The management of the European ATM Network is both providing support to the local actors (ANSPs) in delivering the traffic, guaranteeing consistent information and adapted support to Airlines across the Network with the main objective of managing the traffic flows at the network level to optimise and limit constraints on users. The traffic levels and patterns evolve, communication means are more efficient which requires adaptation to the techniques and tools needed to manage the network.
M3 Systems has developed recognised expertise in the definition and demonstration of innovative concepts in the field of air traffic control.
- Support for the SESAR Single European Sky programme,
- Surface movements in airports,
- GNSS approaches,
- Management of airport slots,
- Management of air traffic flow at the European level,
- System modeling and modeling of ATM processes.

Modelling systems
Operational modeling and more widely enterprise architecture is an efficient methodology to understand change (operational, system, business…) to guarantee an end to end understanding change impact on the various layers of an enterprise. This methodology can be used at every level and for any size of change. It provides a framework and a standardise modelling techniques (BPMN) to capture operational needs, derive requirements (operational and system) and support validation and communication between stakeholders.
GNSS Approaches
GNSS approaches have the added value of not being bound to using ground navaids and therefore providing more flexibility for the definition of approach procedures (approach path). In addition they guarantee a good level of precision for approach and landing and can be coupled with other navigation means (inertial, barometric) to enhance their performance especially in low visibility conditions. Historically used on airfields as second option approaches, these procedures are being created widely as performance based navigation is being deployed and aircraft are being equipped.
Airports and surface movements
Situation awareness and traceability are two key dimensions of the airport operations safety. For what concerns ground movements on airports, this applies both for aircraft movements but also for any other ground vehicle movements.
e-Trackair is M3 Systems’ solution to improve the situation awareness of the vehicle drivers as well as that of the airport operator. e-Trackair also enables to record all movement of vehicle on the platforme to ensure full traceability of the operations.
Last but not least, e-Trackair provides dedicated tools to support airport operations (such as runway inspections) with geo-tagging, pictures capture, automatic reports,.. functionnalities.