Since 2004 with the StellaNGC® product, the company has developed its presence in the automotive and rail market. With the emergence of connected vehicles and autonomous systems, the geolocation of moving objects is becoming critical and optimising the performance of GNSS sensors is essential. Our StellaNGC® offering allows equipment suppliers and car manufacturers to have means for simulation and the collection / playback of the signals necessary for the optimisation and validation of geolocation functions. Similarly, in the railway sector the GNSS sensor is becoming a key technology to allow the progressive development of autonomous train solutions in a context where certification is mandatory.
We have conducted numerous projects investigating innovative applications for the ITS (intelligent transportation systems) sector:
- Tracking of hazardous materials (MITRA – Monitoring & Intervention for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, TRANSCONTROL – Application for Monitoring Transport of Dangerous Goods)
- Geolocation of autonomous vehicles (CTS-SAT, TAXISAT)
- Support for urban deliveries on the last kilometer (URBANZEN)
- Autonomous inland waterway navigation (SINAFE)