V2X and ADAS GNSS based Test Solutions for Automotive Industry
S.E.A. Datentechnik GmbH, a leading developer and system integrator for advanced RF and V2X test and measurement systems, serving chipset vendors, automotive suppliers, and OEMs, today announced a partnership with M3 Systems as a technology partner for advanced GNSS emulation technology. The new partnership ensures the provision of high quality GNSS tools for current and future automotive V2X and ADAS applications.
The two companies are leading, well established partners for the NI platform. The signed partnership ensures the best availability of advanced and very competitive technology for global test solutions.
“We are sure that the cooperation of our companies provides a high value for customers for the development, validation and production test of actual and future V2X and Connected Car technologies,” explains Gerd Schmitz, co-founder, and CEO of S.E.A., “the combination of the deep experience GNSS technology of M3 Systems with S.E.A. V2X products and competence provides tailored best-in class test solutions for reasonable cost”.
“M3 Systems is pleased to be working with S.E.A. on V2X and ADAS using the NI platform. V2X expands capability of M3 Systems to serve automotive suppliers, chipset vendors and other V2X/ADAS users. V2X is synergistic with M3 Systems expertise in GNSS technology and simulation,” adds Marc Pollina, CEO of M3 Systems.
V2X from S.E.A.
Compact, automated turnkey S.E.A. test systems enable the efficient and reliable test of V2X technologies using scalable software and hardware components. The modular V2X test platform from S.E.A. is based on Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology and comprehends all aspects of automated V2X test from measurements on the physical layer for RF-compliance, protocol or production test, protocol level test as well as integrated V2X traffic scenario simulation for the test of V2X applications. International V2X standards for North America, Europe and China are supported for scenario-based testing by Open Loop or Closed Loop HIL systems. Test catalogs for specific test applications like RF-conformance measurements and V2X Day 1 Use Case testing are available for efficient use of the flexible test systems.
The S.E.A. SDR approach ensures the early, independent availability of technologies like DSRC and C-V2X today – and 5G-NR V2X in the future – even in early implementation stages featuring special functions for validation and verification test. The high flexibility of this approach ensures independence from silicon-based (chipset) solutions, enables ultimate performance for V2X simulation, and provides unique features for signal analysis and communication for test purposes and field analysis. SDR-based mobile SEA V2X sniffers capture protocol and RF information in one easy to use device for DRSC and C-V2X.
Customized and scalable V2X turnkey test and simulation solutions for different lab test applications like ECU testing or system level test are realized and supported.
GNSS from M3 Systems
Modern and future transport applications rely on GNSS services for localization and for timing for communication purposes. Therefore, the provision of a high-quality simulation of GNSS signals for the different constellations like GPS, Galileo, Glonass and Beidou are required for V2X and ADAS test system applications.
The M3 Systems StellaNGC Software Suite are integrated seamlessly into the test environment and fulfill the highest demands of customers. The application of the NI PXI platform for GNSS and communication emulation enables the powerful and seamless integration of GNSS as well as other sensor and communication technologies e.g. radar, lidar, cameras for full closed loop (HIL) ADAS/autonomous technology test systems.